Delfina e Rosa
Na Vila
As mulleres teñen un rol moi importante na transmisión oral en Galicia, e no mantemento da memoria colectiva. Un exemplo diso son estas dous fenomenais cantadoras, Delfina e Rosa, as cales, ademais de traballar nos labores de campo, coidar aos seus fillos e alimentar á súa familia, eran creadoras dun folclore vivo, e mantedoras desta tradición musical en Galicia. Os días de festa, ían amenizar as foliadas que se facían nos pobos veciños a Cerceda de onde eran naturais, alí na Coruña. Elas mesmas inventaban coplas, e proporcionaron informacións moi valiosas sobre a maneira de cantar, tocar e bailar.
Women play a very important role in oral transmission in Galicia, and in maintaining the collective memory. An example of this are these two phenomenal singers, Delfina and Rosa, who, besides working in the fields, taking care of their children and feeding their families, were creators of a living folklore, and maintainers of this musical tradition in Galicia. On feast days, they used to liven up the foliadas that took place in the towns near Cerceda, where they were born, there in Coruña. They themselves invented songs, and provided valuable information about the way of singing, playing and dancing.
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